Adjudication service

Rod Appleyard is a trained and qualified adjudicator within the construction industry.

Home Owners & Builders

It is often a sad fact that a home owner and a builder fall into dispute.

Until recently there has been no alternative but to take legal recourse, through the courts, to settle differences adding both stress and pressure to an already unfortunate situation.

This has not been the case for the last few years as each party (subject to work being carried out under the ‘Home Owners and Builders Contract’ have the right to refer a dispute to an adjudicator. This facility can be extended to work outside of the contract if both parties agree to a hearing by a qualified adjudicator.

Adjudication gives a decision within 28days of referral and is legally binding making it the fastest, cost efficient and most effective tool for dispute resolution available to the home owner and small builder.

The good thing about this is, the parties can represent themselves and do not require the services of a solicitor if they feel confident in their ability to deal with the matter themselves further enhancing the cost efficiencies of this service.

Other Construction Disputes

Since 1998 parties to a construction contract (or construction work) are required, by law, to have any dispute decided by an adjudicated, either by reference to the ‘Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act, 1996) or by default to the ‘Scheme for Construction Contracts (England and Wales) Regulations 1998’. This can only be circumvented if the parties have agreed to enter into arbitration, although for speed and efficiency adjudication (with its 28 day time limit) is quicker, more cost effective and less disruptive with a legally binding decision.

Rod Appleyard has worked as an adjudicator since 1998, holds a Masters in Construction Law, is listed with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (of which he is a fellow) and acts in disputes that can be referred either by the parties of the president of the RICS).

All disputes are conducted in private and are not for public consumption in order to maintain the privacy of all parties.

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